April 7, 2010

Sean . . . . LIVE!!

I greatly appreciate the chance to write about deep thoughts and questions, like:
  • When do we most feel God's presence in our lives,
  • How can we be good, Godly examples, and
  • Can Sean actually fit into a size-small 3-piece suit that cost $7.50 at Goodwill and flop around on stage without the pants splitting in front of a church full of people while lip-syncing the most horribly terrific version of O Holy Night ever recorded?
Jim Valvano said “To me there are three things everyone should do every day. Number one is laugh. Number two is think -- spend some time time in thought. Number three, you should have your emotions move you to tears. If you laugh, think and cry, that's a heck of a day.”

So to help you have a heck of a day, I humbly submit the following video of my, ahem, "performance" during our church's Cabin Fever Follies recently, so that you, too, can laugh, think and cry - probably simultaneously. I'm the tall guy in the suit; my friend Steve is playing the air keyboard. I found the song on the web a few years ago, and it's been love ever since. A Christmas staple at our house. A special thanks to Steve Mauldin for making the original audio recording years ago that has brought so much laughter, tears and thoughts to so many.

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