February 1, 2008


You don’t need to convince me about original sin – I survived potty training our daughter. When we started to get serious about the whole potty training thing, my wife and I agreed that our daughter would get one M&M for just sitting on the toilet as a method of encouragement. When she agreed to sit, we gave her an M&M. However, we limited the chocolate reward to one try within a reasonable amount of time. No bouncing on and off the potty just to get more M&Ms.

After coming home one night during this same period, a frazzled babysitter and a chocolate-crazed 2-year old blazed past us at the door. Although we discussed the M&M/potty training plan with the babysitter, we forgot to tell her about the “one try” limit. Even at two years old, our daughter instinctually knew enough to swindle the clueless babysitter nine times in just two hours to keep getting more chocolate.

If we could have gotten her to focus through her sugar rush and ask her why she kept lying to the babysitter, I’m sure her very eloquent response would have been, “It is no longer I myself who did it, but it is sin living in me” (Romans 7:17). We were stunned by the deceit she demonstrated so easily. But maybe we shouldn’t have been, for as David said, “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me” (Psalm 51:5). The sin and the inclination to do wrong were already in our daughter, and it lurks in all of us.

To be properly prepared for Easter, Lent should be a time to repent and purify ourselves to properly present ourselves before God. Yet, with all those sins that we are aware of and unaware of since conception, repentance can seem like a very daunting task. However, repentance is as simple as sincerely asking God to, please, “forgive my hidden faults,” and “keep your servant also from willful sins” (Psalm 19:12-13). Jesus paid for each and every sin we have committed by being crucified. His blood “purifies us from all sin” (1 John 1:7), whether that sin was deliberate or unconsciously involved M&M’s from when we were seemingly innocent 2-year olds

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